Kings III Emergency Phone Monitoring

Testing Your Phone:

  1. Initiate a call from your emergency elevator phone. If you have more than one elevator cab, have a colleague test a separate phone simultaneously to ensure proper line sharing. Separate cabs must be able to connect via the emergency phone at the same time.  
  2. Tell the answering operator you are performing a test and ask if they can hear you well.
  3. Ask the operator if they can identify your location. For ADA compliance, the most important requirement is that the emergency operator answering the call must be able to determine the exact location of the caller without the caller telling them (including which cab you're in). If the operator cannot, the phone is not ADA compliant*.
  4. If your phone does not work, contact your elevator maintenance company. If you are a Kings III customer, full maintenance is likely included in your service package, so please do not hesitate to call.


IMPORTANT TO NOTE: In some instances for phones that are programmed to call direct to 911, a fee may be charged for initiating a phone call for non-emergency purposes if the authority in jurisdiction deems the non-emergency calls occur too frequently. Additionally, you don't want the fire department called prematurely and incur uneccessary damage to your elevator if you can help it and you're able to gain access by other means.

Kings III recommends, where applicable, to utilize automatic self-testing equipment in conjunction with periodic manual tests.  

What if YOU were trapped? See the Kings III difference.

More Elevator Phone FAQs and information on ASME 17.1, Section 2.27. 


*If the building facility or parking lot was built or renovated after July 1994, any phone(s) installed must meet ADA requirements. Complete ADA regulations may be found at the U.S. Department of Justice website,