WEBINAR: Building Your Emergency Action Plan

Emergency Preparedness

We're taking a deep dive into your property's Emergency Action Plan (EAP), required by law for commercial properties. Take advantage of this opportunity to enhance your building’s emergency response as we outline practical tips and provide valuable insights to help you prepare for potential emergencies with confidence with our free webinar and expert advice. Don't just check a box. Build a meaningful plan that will prepare your property and its staff and tenants for all worst-case scenarios and will be impactful when seconds count. We will look at emergency-specific templates, including: 

  • Evacuation
  • Natural Disasters
  • Active Shooter
  • And More!

Kings III Emergency Communications is regularly involved in responding to emergencies and has been for over three decades. Because of this, we know how essential it is to follow systems and procedures during a time of crisis and are highly trained in how to do so.

Speaker: Phillip Adams, Kings III Emergency Communications Industry Events & Education Specialist, has ten years of experience in life safety training.